Authors: Kendra Paitz, Corinne Botz, Christopher Atkins, and Dr. Justine Murison.
University Galleries of Illinois State University
Hardcover: 108 pages, 9x7in, 2014, ENGLISH
Authors: Anonda Bell, Caren King Choi, Robert Fishman, Winifred Gallagher, Sean Godsell, Marjetica Potrč
The Paul Robeson Galleries
Paperback: 100 pages, 8.5x10in, 2013, ENGLISH
Curiosity: Art and the Pleasures of Knowing
Authors: Roger Malbert, Brian Dillon, Marina Warner.
Hayward Publishing
Hardcover: 224 pages, 6x9.5in, 2013, ENGLISH
Authors: Fritz Emslander, Alexander Gehring and Florian Horsthemke
Wienand Verlag & Medien
Hardcover: 173 pages, 8.5x11in, 2012, GERMAN
Images A Conviction: Police & Photographie
Authors: Serge Lodrini and Anne-Francoise Lesuisse
Au Grand Curtuis Museum
Paperback: 95 pages, 8x7in, 2012, FRENCH
Awake Are Only Their Spirits: On Ghosts and Their Media
Author: Thibaut de Ruyter
Hartware MedienKunstVerein, Dortmund, Germany
Paperback: 190 pages, 9x7in, 2011, GERMAN/ENGLISH
Authors: Marc Valli and Margherita Dessany
Laurence King Publishing
Paperback: 144 pages, 8x8in, 2011, ENGLISH
Decadence & Decay: The Mansion Project
Authors: Anonda Bell, Dr Tiffany Gill, Samantha J. Boardman, Carl H. Miller
The Paul Robeson Galleries
Paperback: 62 pages, 8x10in, 2009, ENGLISH
Blur of the Otherworldly: Contemporary Art, Technology, and the Paranormal
Authors: Marina Warner and Lynne Tillman. Edited by Mark Alice Durant and Jane D. Marsching.
The Center for Art, Design and Visual Culture
Paperback: 198 pages, 9x7in, 2006, ENGLISH